Mike Bifulco

#html: 2 posts tagged

The correct semantic HTML for adding subtitles to h1 tags

This is the right format to use if you want to add a subtitle below an h1 tag on your html pages. Semantic HTML makes your site more accessible and better for SEO, since it is easier for search engines to process.

This is the right format to use if you want to add a subtitle below an h1 tag on your html pages. Semantic HTML makes your site more accessible and better for SEO, since it is easier for search engines to process.

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Publishing Your First GitHub Pages Website - Gymnasium Take 5

From my days working as Technical Director of thegymnasium.com: a 5-minute tutorial (lovingly referred to as a Take 5) showing how you can use GitHub pages to host your very own website.

The full tutorial (with additional reference material) is available for free on The Gymnasium

Gymnasium is a treasure - if you like this, get yourself a free account at thegymnasium.com/register, and start learning at your own pace today!

Β© 2019-2022 Mike Bifulco
Built with Next. Source code on GitHub.
Disclaimer: πŸ‘‹πŸ½ Hi there. I work as a Developer Advocate at Stripe. Content on this site contains my own opinions, and does not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.

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