Mike Bifulco
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Oh, hello

I'm a technologist, a designer, and a creator of things. I started this as a place to put together my thoughts on things that I think deserve a bigger stage than my twitter or GitHub.

I work at Stripe -- but the things I post here are my own, and don't necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Stripe.


5 Tools I add to every new web project for SEO and analytics

I use these tools on every project to help track source code, monitor traffic on my site, and optimize content for better Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

I use these tools on every project to help track source code, monitor traffic on my site, and optimize content for better Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

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Mike Bifulco headshot

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Help your users when your web app crashes

This post came from my work on Surviving Other People's APIs.  I've been working on a chapter on Async - the content below came from that writing, but doesn't quite make sense in the context of the book.  I didn't want to scrap it entirely, so it's found its way into a blog post.  I'd love to know what you think!

This post came from my work on Surviving Other People's APIs. I've been working on a chapter on Async - the content below came from that writing, but doesn't quite make sense in the context of the book. I didn't want to scrap it entirely, so it's found its way into a blog post. I'd love to know what you think!

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Introducing Pistola - Building a passion project with radical transparency

If you follow me across the various other social networks I use, you'll likely stumble across my passion for cycling. For the past 8 or so years, road cycling has been my primary form of exercise. I love cycling; it keeps me sane, and helps me live a healthier life, while seeing the world. If you haven't been on a bike recently, you should give it a shot - I can't recommend it enough.

If you follow me across the various other social networks I use, you'll likely stumble across my passion for cycling. For the past 8 or so years, road cycling has been my primary form of exercise. I love cycling; it keeps me sane, and helps me live a healthier life, while seeing the world. If you haven't been on a bike recently, you should give it a shot - I can't recommend it enough.

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Home - mikebifulco.com

mikebifulco.com - articles on design, development, and making the world a better place.

© 2019-2022 Mike Bifulco
Built with Next. Source code on GitHub.
Disclaimer: 👋🏽 Hi there. I work as a Developer Advocate at Stripe. Content on this site contains my own opinions, and does not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.

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